On Saturday, February 18th, 22 new Cardinals were made of which there were two American bishops. This was a proud moment for our nation but also for the seminary. The now Timothy Cardinal Dolan and Edwin Cardinal O'Brien are not only US bishops but they were also at one point rectors of the NAC. Needless to say, this was an exciting event for us, particularly as we hosted their reception at the seminary.

This was a tangible way we were able serve two men who have served our seminary for a number of years. As Kevin, I, and the other seminarians were put in charge of serving drinks and snacks to the many friends and family members of the two new Cardinals, we had the neat opportunity to talk to many people who had known the Cardinals for many years and see their own excitement for their election.

I spoke with a a couple of men who had gone to high-school with Cardinal O'Brien. Others who were priests who had been in seminary with him. I also got to talk to some people who had been staff of the first diocese of which Cardinal Dolan had been bishop. There were also many cousins, siblings and other relatives of each, including Cardinal Dolan's mother. All expressed a real joy and excitement for the big honor their dear friends had received. It was neat to see the real, down-to-earth side of the new Cardinals.
Having spent many years at the NAC, both Cardinals celebrated Masses of Thanksgiving here with their friends and family. On the whole, it was awesome to see, by the testimony of so many people, that both of these men have truly spent their lives in generous service as holy and happy priests.

It is no wonder that Pope Benedict XVI entrusted to them the responsibility of Cardinal as he defined below:
The new Cardinals are entrusted with the service of love: love for God, love for his Church, an absolute and unconditional love for his brothers and sisters, even unto shedding their blood, if necessary, as expressed in the words of placing the biretta and as indicated by the colour of their robes. -Excerpt from Pope's reflection during consistoryLet us then pray for these two new Cardinals and thank God for all the priests who have laid down their lives to serve those entrusted to them by God.