Saturday, April 21, 2012


The Mass of the Easter Vigil begins outside, in the dark of night, lit only by star light and the glow of a fire. The contrast of light and darkness during the Easter Vigil brings with it many beautiful symbols of the Christian faith as well as many symbols of our human experience.

Celebrating the Easter Vigil at the seminary brought about many sentiments and reflections. Through what could be seen as the darkness of nostalgia for home, the marvelous light of Christ's peace and joy shown brightly in the beautiful liturgy: this symbolized by the candle light carried by each person who received the flame that came from the one source, the Easter Candle. 

Now as the Easter season continues for a total of 50 days, it is truly up to all of us to carry the light of faith, hope, and love that comes from the one Source of all life -- the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. During this joyful season, in which the Church cries out "Alleluia" (literally "praise God") everyday in the Mass, it is important to call to mind frequently why we are thankful for our faith and how it affects our daily life.

One big celebration we have at the NAC during Easter every year is the Rector's dinner by which we express our thanks to all those who provide financial help to the seminary. During the evening, all the seminarians come together to serve the meal as well as provide some entertainment. My role was singing in a small choral arrangement which sang during the dessert course. Here's a video of our performance.

Thank YOU for all the prayers by which you serve Kevin and I (and all seminarians) and, in a real way, sustain us in our vocation. Happy Easter to all!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Passing of Three Days

Altar of Repose for the Blessed Sacrament  on Holy Thursday

On the eve of Easter, there is a certain sadness about not celebrating the Holy Week at home in a parish.  But the resources, that is the man power, that they seminary has too put on a liturgies, especially of these finally three days, is not easily matched.

Our Rector, praying with Christ in the garden

So, here of this shoots from the awe inspiring beauty of the various masses and liturgy of this time.  We gather as brothers to celebrate the central mystery of the our Faith.  To experience the suffering and death of Christ together. Looking forward to tonight, were we can sing in on voice, the great hymn of praise, the memorial of Christ's victory over death:  "A...."  

Three Deacons chanted the entire Passion narrative.  An amazing experience with the three  voices.

Good Friday celebration of the Lord's Passion

Know you are all in our prayers as we enter the joy of the Easter triumph.  Resurrexit, sicut dixit.

Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum with the Pope.
(For more of the last check this out)