This isn’t to say that it hasn’t snowed in Rome before. Sure it has.
But not for whole days and then remain on the ground for days afterward,
this is truly unique. As you might
imagine this ancient city is not really snow plow friendly, so the roads are
covered with snow and ice. What for a
normal US city would be nothing to think twice over, Rome just shuts down (despite
the mobilization of their fleet of street sweepers). Buses wont go, trains are shut down, and most
people find it a good enough excuse not to go to work. It has
been fascinating watching this. And
though I am a little bitter about leaving seminaries in Ohio and Indiana to
come to the Mediterranean and still have snow, the city has a
certain beauty covered in white. So
though I may play the cold hating desert dweller, a part of me is enjoying

Besides from the apocalyptic weather patterns, here at the
NAC we are coming to an end: the end of
the first semester. I have two more finals
this coming week and that will be it; the following week is the new
semester. These kinds of endings, though
as dramatic as the work ending spectacle of the movie 2012, definitely brings
with it the encouragement of look back at your life (or at least the last
semester) and see what you’ve made of it.

As lent approaches, I highly recommend this kind of
apocalyptic introspection (if you were looking for my recommendation) or
perhaps more simply- Repent and believe in the Gospel!
Well….I still have
tests to get ready for….that whole repentance thing, you know…refreshing and
joy and …something like that….
Cool pictures.... As far as the weather pattern...simply Global Cooling (the big environmental issue back in the 70's)