Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ahora en espanol

In a whirlwind of a week, I have made the journey from Rome, through Phoenix, and have finally arrived in Antigua, Guatemala.

It was a bit of a push to finish all my finals, but (mostly) they went really well and I am happy to be done with them.  It was a strange feeling leaving Italy and boarding the plane for the U.S..  Leaving such an amazing city, it is strange to be excited, but there is nothing like going home, especially after almost a year.  I had about four great days to spend with my family and take a breath in my own cutlure, before beginning the next phase of my journey.

IMG_4254.JPGI arrived late last Sunday night in Guatemala City and after about an hour car ride arrived at my home for the next nine weeks.  It took some time during the first week to get oriented and know where everything is and how to do the basics; but now at the beginning of the second week, I feel much more comfortable and at ease.

As I try to take it all in, it is amazing all the places God has brought me.  There is little I can do but be docile and be formed by the people and places that he has graced me to experience.

The time is totally dedicated to studying Spanish.  I don't have to say how important it is in Phoenix for priests to know Spanish and be able to minister to the large Spanish speaking population in our diocese.  This, of course, gives me a lot of motivation to learn Spanish; but on the flip side, learning Spanish gets me very excited for the priesthood because it is so practical.  Every day I get a piece of what I will need and will use in parishes in Phoenix,  in the not too distant future.

The city and the surrounding area is absolutely beautiful. I'll share more as the summer goes on.  What more can I really say of God's goodness to me?  I only ask that you please pray for my success.

1 comment:

  1. Kev, shouldn't you be writing this in spanish... I can't wait for your mother to talk spanish with you when you return home. Heck,I should probably learn more than cervesa. Love you, Dad
